Call to probe further into the Key Visions for the next 50 years: How do we make them come true?
In early January 2007, Space Generation Advisory Council put out a call for what the youth of today thought would be the key events of the next 50 years in space activities. This first call attracted 275 youth visionaries from all over the world to input to what new events would create the next giant leap for mankind. Is it space tourism, is it a lunar base that shall really be able to help us conquer the space frontier, or is a human landing on Mars that YOU wish to see in the coming 5, 10, 20 or 50 years?
Following this first success (thanks to you!), the wide range of ideas has now been studied by collaborative work between fellow youth space advocates representing the Space Generation and the distilled ideas have led to some key questions as to what are the priorities and how these cornerstone events can be realized for benefiting the human race. You can help us take this input to the world leaders!
The Space Generation Advisory Council in support of the United Nations Programme on Space Applications has teamed up with the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, the Boston University Center for Space Physics, the Secure World Foundation and the Planetary Society, to provide an opportunity for two young space enthusiasts to help plan the next 50 years in space. Representatives will present the Youth Vision, a result of two surveys and online deliberations, to prominent world leaders such as Freeman Dyson, Elon Musk and Dr Harrison Schmitt gathered for the planning workshop, held on 14 April 2007, in conjunction with a conference titled, "The Future of Space Exploration: Solutions to Earthly Problems?" at the Boston University in USA.
All applicants 29 or under are invited to give further input regarding key events and space activities via a simple Round 2 survey can be found at the SGAC website ( Deadline for receiving completed entries for Round 2 is 1st of April 2007. This input will be captured in a publication tentatively titled: "Looking Back, Looking Forward: The Next Generation's 50-Year Vision for Space".
About the Space Generation Advisory Council
The Space Generation Advisory Council in support of the United Nations Programme on Space Applications is a United Nations endorsed organization dedicated to bringing forth the voice of today’s youth on tomorrow’s space issues. The SGAC was sanctioned by the United Nations following the 1999 UNISPACE III conference in recognition of the invaluable input provided by young people on world space issues.
For more information on the Space Generation Advisory Council on the Internet please visit:
Labels: exploration, space future
Kalpana Chawla 7 March 1962 – 1 February 2003 was an Indian-born
American astronaut and space shuttle mission specialist. She was
one of seven crewmembers lost in the Space Shuttle Columbia
disaster.Kalpana Chawla was born into a Hindu family in Karnal,
Haryana, India.
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